Thursday, January 27, 2011

just a little pet peeve

so i wanna know why every mother who has two or three kids feels like she needs to tell  a first time mom's what to do , dont get me wrong suggestions are okay but when you start telling someone what kind of carseat your child needs to be in or what kind of bottles you should use or diapers and or formula you have gone to far, it would be diffrent if the person was like " well i did this with my son maybe you should try it" and thats only if the person is having problems, dont offer your advice unless asked or the person is saying they have problems and or asking for your advice.i personally do not like advice unless i ask for it..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

i love you for so many reasons
big and small
and all of them are wonderful
i love you for all the special qualities
they make you one of a kind
...the only one in the world for me
i love you for the things you do
that bring such special meaning to my life
i love you just because i do
because now in the deepest part of my heart
a place where there was nothing before
there is love
i love you baby ♥ long time.